Our Gypsy Cob Horses

Gypsy Cobs For Sale

Breedings planned

Breed Standard

 Jade, Venus & Goldust..

 Inquiries on Importing Gypsys from the UK contact us.

 We can find you a horse that fits your needs.

What s New...

Jade is the Proud Mom of our new baby born in April, his Name is "TARZAN",
his Dad is the great "Playboy from Ireland...he is the first Playboy baby to be born here in the US!!
We think he is very special.
Most of the pictures were taken at 4 weeks old on Plymouth Beach...yes running free!! He is a Social ite!!

Tarzan just born...

Tarzan a few hours old

More photos of a great day on the beach...
Click on photo to enlarge...

Meet our newest addition Ruby Slippers...

Ruby Slippers  is 11 months old.   Her daddy is Clononeen Mull of Kintyre, the "GREAT" Palimino Stallion..
"Romeo" from , the UK.  She is every thing we wanted....beauty , movement, temperament, and more!

We are taking our time and planning our breedings to strive for quality "GYPSY COB AND DRUM Horses". our other mare Jade in foal to Clononeen Playboy....Playboy is the highest scoring colt of GCDHA he is an outstanding young Stallion we saw him right when he arrived from Ireland!! from Clononeen Farm...pictures can be seen of both Stallions www.djwwgypsyhorses.com .Our currant Colt's are from Jade and Dusty...Sire of both is KING ROCKY who was the grand champion of the first GYPSY SHOW at the Kentucky horse park he can be seen www.northeastgypsylegends.com

Meet Amadeus...

with his mom is Jade

click here to see more photos of us...

My father is King Rocky can be seen at



Meet Sabastion...
with his mom Dusty

click here to see more photos of us...

My father is King Rocky can be seen at


Owners : Julie A.  MacKinnon  - Kathy Sneider, V.M.D

For more information on
Nautilus Gypsy Cobs
Please call  between the hours of  9:00 am. and 5:00 pm.
at (508) 746-9091

Last updated : Friday, October 31, 2008

  All images are copyright © 2004 - 2008 Nautilus Gypsy Cobs
All graphics are property of Stardog Productions Inc.
Use of these images is strictly prohibited without written authorization.

Web site design by ©Stardog Productions Inc.