Our Gypsy Cob Horses

Gypsy Cobs For Sale

Breedings planned

Breed Standard

"Amadeus" and "Sabation"


Amadeus with assistant trainer, Cooper!

Cooper showing off to Chelsea.


Off to the barn :)

Left Dusty and Sabastion ~ Right Jade and Amadeus

Jade and Amadeus

Jade and Amadeus

Jade , Amadeus and Sabastion


Dusty and Sabastion




Jade and Amadeus

Jade and Amadeus

Dusty and Sabastion

Jade and Amadeus



Owners : Julie A.  MacKinnon  - Kathy Sneider, V.M.D

For more information on
Nautilus Gypsy Cobs
Please call  between the hours of  9:00 am. and 5:00 pm.
at (508) 746-9091

  All images are copyright © 2004 - 2008 Nautilus Gypsy Cobs
All graphics are property of Stardog Productions Inc.
Use of these images is strictly prohibited without written authorization.

Web site design by ©Stardog Productions Inc.